I believe it is what is radiated in your aura that creates the reality that you experience in several ways:
- Firstly, what you radiate you attract in. This is from the law of attraction.
- What you radiate also filters your perception of what you experience in life. for example, when your aura is full of light you see the positives. when your aura is clogged full of negativity and energy blocks you only see the drama, discord, and conflict.
- With a clear aura, what you radiate, has more effect on others around you. Words alone do not shift experiences. And if they do not, it is because you have not completely embodied the lessons yet. The embodied truth radiates through an aura clearly. So, when other people finally hear what is shared. Then they will shift too.
- I do believe that tuning forks are powerful tools to assist with this as they influence the aura, clearing stagnant energy. Then we, ourselves become like tuning forks!
- So as human beings, our thoughts, feelings, and reactions to life all have an energetic record in the aura, and tuning forks can be our daily clearing out of those not-so-positive reactions we need this so we do not attract in, with all our human trauma drama more of those dramatic experiences into our life. Forking becomes our daily reset button.
- A daily practice of our maintaining our awareness of being in our body, our sacred temple. Our seat of empowerment and manifestation. From there we can expand and link with our divine plan and our own soul destiny and we can begin to live the life we are meant to live.
- Forking is our daily opportunity to receive and fill our aura with the frequencies of the Clear. Cleanse and Balance system, The Om sound of creation, the sacred light codes of the solfeggio any of the divinely inspired frequencies.
- With Forking we clear our aura and develop our awareness of energy, we learn what feels discordant and learn to eliminate any blockages from our aura, with a clear aura we learn to radiate our light out into the world.
- There are different layers of the aura. The etheric part of our aura, which is very close to the body, is particularly important as it is the connection between the outer layers of the aura and the physical body. when this part of our aura is in good shape then our physical body is healthy, and our minds and emotions are more receptive to our guidance and intuition. We are more able to assimilate what is coming to us intuitively. So, it helps develop that sensitivity and intuitiveness
- Tuning forks can work through the etheric layer and therefore help us strengthen the aura and therefore achieve healthy physical, emotional, and mental layers.
- The Chakras are energy vortexes that give and receive energy they need to be clear to allow energy to flow in a balanced way …………
- Each tuning Fork radiates a vibrational ray, a refraction of white light. All colours are a part of the divine and if we resonate with a ray then our vibration will attract circumstances in resonance. so, each Fork is a portal to divine frequencies
- By Using the frequency of the tuning fork, we blend and Attune to the energy frequency of the Sacred Solfeggio frequencies or God/ Goddess, or even Archangel facilitating contact.
- If the left brain quietens with the forks and gets out of the way, then the right brain, the magician brain, the creative right brain steps in, and is able in a non-linear way, to access information from the higher realms.
- So sound is the carrier wave that quietens the left brain and carries intent and quantum expectation/ prayer to the magical right brain, which when fueled by the heart field, creates reality, and enables angelic connection,
- If we expand our energy field, our heart field, with the intent of contacting Angels, by asking the Archangels or God / Goddess to come closer and expand their energy fields to blend and raise our frequency and awareness.
- This angelic raised frequency, which is part of the divine, is the same as Ascension to 5D – That is my perspective! – take what resonates and discard the rest!!
- I think it was Einstein that said you can’t solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it. I believe that sound can alter consciousness! so as Debbie Walker of Suara Sound says “ Change your vibration, change your life !”
- Let’s Fork!