Divine Feminine Tuning forks



This set of three tuning forks contains the Moon fork , Venus fork and Isis fork

the moon tuning fork is the chakra fork for the sacral chakra . However many people use this in full moon and new moon ceremony to align and resonate with the tide shifting power of the moon. To release and let go , to ebb and flow

The Venus fork has a link with the third eye the energy to reveal the veils of the hidden to help activate the third eye . Can also be used to resonate and draw upon the attributes of the goddess Venus

Isis- the ancient Egyptian mother goddess – the goddess of 1000 names Isis was a goddess of magic and healing – she breathed life into a dead husband to  procreate  their child Horus . With Isis something dies in order for something to be reborn



Additional information

Weight 0.326 kg
Dimensions 25 × 17 × 3 cm


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